This Year's Father's Day Promises Growth for Retail Commerce
A survey disclosed last Thursday (August the 2nd) by the São Paulo State Federation of Trade Goods, Services and Tourism (FecomercioSP) indicates that retail in the state should grow at 4% in the month of August within the annual comparison. This growth represents actual earnings of BRL 55.5 billion.
According to the federation?s survey, Mother?s Day and Christmas are, by far, the best dates for retail, but there is an expectation that Father?s Day will be responsible for boosting sales in clothing and shoe stores. Fecomercio emphasizes that August is one of the weakest months for retail in the second semester: it is when families begin to cut down on their spending due to previous expenses during school holidays with travels and other forms of recreation.
For the Brazilian Shopping Center Association (Abrasce), the forecast growth for Father?s Day in 2018 is of 10%, with emphasis on the clothing, electronic and shoe segments, which should answer for the majority of the earnings.
In a public notice, Abrasce emphasizes that ?Besides product consumption, the shopping malls also believe that there will be an increase in sales for restaurants, movie theaters and leisure options to celebrate the date?. According to the Association?s findings, 57% of all malls that are affiliated to the association plan marketing actions for the commemorative date. 69% of all businesses expect an increase of 5% in earnings with these operations.